By Socrates Paparazzi
Arts & Entertainment Reporter
Arts & Entertainment Reporter
BARCELONA, SPAIN - Pop rock stars continue retching on stage.
On Saturday night, Lady Gaga tossed her cookies during a live concert. The demure performer was singing "The Edge of Glory" when she walked to the edge of the stage instead. Then, she turned her back to the audience and upchucked repeatedly behind one of her dancers. In a Tweet on Monday, milady Gaga confessed that she had tried to conceal the incident. Of course, being discreet is not her strong suit. Despite her illness, Lady Gaga went on with the show in a display of pluck that would make her fellow nobles proud.
Just days earlier, teenage heart throb and human sheep dog, Justin Bieber kicked off his Believe tour by vomiting twice in front of a live audience in Glendale, Arizona. In his case, the lyrics of "Out of Town Girl" stuck in his throat, as well as the pasta and milk that Beiber imbibed just before the show.
Ironically, Gaga launched her Born this Way tour in the wake of criticism over her recent weight gain. She defiantly replied that she suffered from bulimia in her youth and would never again obsess over weight loss. If Gaga has fallen back on her old ways, she's gotten a tad rusty at concealing her eating disorder.
Gaga's bulimia fails to explain Beiber's similar incident. What are the possible explanations? Well, musicians can be mindless slaves to fads and fashion. Then again, there is nothing more nauseating than the sight of someone else losing their lunch. If so, there is no telling where this musical chain-barfing will end. Perhaps, the next concert of the Jonas Brothers should be preceded with the standard warning at Seaworld, "Those sitting in the first 4 rows WILL get wet."
If the queasy rock stars are just having a spontaneous reaction to meeting their fans in person, it is entirely understandable. If they are commenting on the quality of their own songs, then they lack in subtlety what they make up for in brevity.
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