Sunday, September 23, 2012

National People Week

By Ralph Zenith
Business Reporter
ENGLEWOOD, FLORIDA - No business wants to alienate potential customers, but this sign at the corner of Beach Road and Rt. 776 seemed excessively vague. Apparently, McDonald's was not grateful to other primates, lower animals and alien races.  However, I'm a person, and I didn't want to miss any special deals. So, I inquired about the mysterious sign inside.
      The explanation was surprisingly simple. During the past week, McDonald's showed its appreciation to its many hard-working employees with some minor gifts. For example, the families of employees could eat at a discount. This Englewood McDonald's also posted baby pictures of its employees on a bulletin board and asked customers to guess their identities. When the names were revealed, some workers were razzed for their cute appearance as infants. Others were embarrassed to have their true ages hinted at by their old fashioned baby clothing and obsolete photographs. The youngest teenage workers posted digital baby pictures. The older employees had to display primitive black & white images taken by an ancient form of instant photography called ... a Polaroid.
      They shouldn't feel bad. I'm so old, my baby pictures are chiseled on stone tablets beside mummies and pharoahs! :-)